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Katie Tonkovich, Patchara Charoensiri Are 'Students to Watch'

Graphic Design USA magazine has its editorial eyes on Patchara Charoensiri and Katie Tonkovich. The two recent graduates (both M.F.A., 2014) of the School of Graphic Design are on the magazine’s list of 29 “Students to Watch” this year, thanks to their strong graphic design portfolio.

In the magazine’s January 2015 issue, readers of the feature can access a brief biography of each student. They also get to learn some personal details about the two. Tonkovich, you’ll learn, lists James Victore as her design hero. And Bangkok native Charoensiri’s design heroes are Charles and Ray Eames.

Tonkovich is currently employed at the online grocer Good Eggs. Charoensiri is working at the design studio Hybrid in San Francisco.

Also in the January issue, online Graphic Design instructor Jim Mousner is named among the magazine’s “People to Watch” for 2015. A noted designer, Mousner is the founder, principal and creative director of Origin, a design studio in Houston.

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