This animated short written and directed by former Academy of Art animation school student Rosana Sullivan shows how friendship comes in all shapes and forms—even between a kitten and a pitbull. Rosana worked on her passion project while she was working in Pixar, and now she’s ready to take on the spotlight herself with Kitbull.
She originally came up with the idea for story while in the School of Animation. Fortunately, she held onto it until the timing was right—during her stint at Pixar, the company launched the SparkShorts pogram, in which employees are given six months and a limited budget to develop their own film.
It was the perfect vehicle for a passion project exactly like Kitbull, so Rosana took the opportunity and ran with it. Little did she know then that the road will somehow make a turn for Hollywood’s biggest affair. “It was very humbling to be working with people who were so intelligent and talented at what they do. At the same time it was awesome to have [these] people… bring my vision to the screen,” she said of the Kitbull team. “If I were to go back in time and tell my college student self, [I’d say] don’t waste energy worrying so much about how others are doing or how I’m doing in relation to them. I’d instead focus my energy on how to improve myself.”