The Sculpture Program at Academy Of Art University

Academy of Art University’s sculpture program (offered in the School of Fine Art) is an immersive, hands-on experience that will teach you the traditional skills you’ll need to create both figurative and non-figurative work. We’ll expose you to classic methods and cutting-edge technologies that can be used to manifest your personal artistic vision in the world.

From the basics of hands-on studio work to the mind-bending possibilities of digital sculpture, you will navigate the expansive world of recreating and reimagining three-dimensional forms as art. You will graduate with a wide-ranging portfolio of work that demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of sculpture in all of its forms.

Sculpture student standing next to one of her pieces
Collection of images showing different parts of the sculpture studios

Studio Work

Context is a critical element in sculpture. You will learn the importance of contextual elements such as site, scale, surface, form, function, material, intention, and the viewer, to create professional portfolio-level sculpture.

The Human Form

A fundamental skill in sculpture is the ability to represent both realistic and unique and personal interpretations of the human form. You’ll work representationally and expressively to develop formal head and figure techniques. You will learn how to comfortably and confidently express your personal creative ideas with clay. And you’ll develop skills in modeling gestures, figures, and proportions.

Sculpture piece of a woman's head shrouded by a veil
Collection of Sculpture work with the subject of animals and inanimate objects

Animals and Inanimate Objects

While the human form is often perceived as the primary subject for sculptors, we believe it’s important to learn how to sculpt mammals and other animals. You will explore both anatomical realism and abstracted gestural movement of various animals, and you’ll use aspects of design, finish, and personal style to create portfolio-ready work.

Being able to create objects for both aesthetics and function is another critical skill our program will teach you. You will learn how to make cylinders, bowls, and discs on a potter’s wheel. You will use these shapes to create sculptures and practice low temperature firings like raku.

Digital and Other Media

In today’s world of ever-advancing technology, it’s important to learn the concepts and methods used to produce digital sculptures. You will create organic and hard-surface objects in a digital sculpting application, explore 3D painting, and practice concept ideation.

While mastering the digital realm is important, we also believe that a well-rounded sculptor knows how to create in basic analog media as well. Paper is a powerful, creative tool. You’ll learn how natural and raw plant materials become unique papers using historical and contemporary techniques. And you’ll learn how to transform these papers into amazing projects for book arts, sculpture, printmaking, photography, and wearables.

Girl using 3D printer in Sculpture studio
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