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Academy of Art University

Choose from more than 30 areas of study and fulfill your creative potential while learning from nationally recognized art and design experts.
Academy of Art University

Tuition Assistance (TA)

Military Tuition Assistance is a benefit paid to eligible members of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard.
Tuition Assistance (TA)

Art Foundations Course

San Francisco art school Academy of Art University offers foundations courses that teach students core, fundamental skills in drawing, painting, color, and design.
Art Foundations Course

Online Education

For over 16 years, art and design students from over 130 countries have earned their accredited, online art and design degrees from Academy of Art University. We are groundbreakers in online education - creating visual, engaging, effective and life-filled online courses that are an educational benchmark.
Online Education

Early Scholar Grant

Academy of Art University is pleased to announce the Early Scholar Grant, which offers a limited number of awards worth $2,000 for those students which have applied to Academy of Art University for the Fall semester.
Early Scholar Grant

Spring Forward Scholarship

Academy of Art University is pleased to announce the 2021 Spring Forward Scholarship - a limited number of awards worth up to $2,000 each to assist aspiring artists and designers. Working adults seeking a career upgrade, and current college students looking to transfer should take advantage of this amazing scholarship opportunity.
Spring Forward Scholarship

Online Visual Development Degree

Have you ever wondered how elaborate scenes and characters are imagined for movies or how fantastical worlds are realized in video games? That’s the job of the visual development artist. Study composition, perspective, environment design, figure drawing and character design—everything you’ll need to embark on a creatively rewarding visual development career.
Online Visual Development Degree

Housing Costs

The cost for housing varies based on the type of room in which a student lives and whether or not he or she is required to have a meal plan. Learn about the costs associated with on-campus housing in San Francisco.
Housing Costs

Have a Question?

Request information or call us at 415-274-2222 and an admissions representative can help you with detailed information about admissions, curriculum, financial aid options – everything you need to know while considering the pursuit of higher arts education.

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