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Check out the FAQ for details on Academy of Art University’s Pre-College program for high school students.

Online Art History Degree

Learn to analyze and discuss art and artistic methods at Academy of Art University’s School of Art History. Here you will understand form and expression in our fine art studios, while gaining a deep and rich knowledge of history and cultural context in the art history classroom. Turn your passion for art history into a career.
Online Art History Degree

Fashion Marketing (AA)

The Associates degree in Fashion Marketing provides students with a firm foundation in business, marketing and promotion for fashion organizations and their marketing partners.
Fashion Marketing (AA)

Fashion Art Direction (MA)

The MA in Fashion Art Direction program will train students to think critically and create an industry-standard visual portfolio relevant to interview as Fashion Art Directors, Creative Directors, Visual Merchandisers, etc.
Fashion Art Direction (MA)

School of Art Education | Faculty

Matthew is a strong advocate for art education as our greatest tool for teaching critical thinking and the other skills essential to thrive in the 21st century. He has embraced the spirit of innovation in San Francisco to explore the intersection of technology, art, and teaching through a number of ventures. Beyond his many years integrating technology into his own arts classroom, he served as the Visual Arts Educator for the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, where he created one of the first interactive museum guide applications, and consults for Bay Area startups in the education technology sector.

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